Saturday, November 26, 2011

'Tis the Season to be Creative

So on my list: Christmas stockings for me (one for work) and Jax and Jess are getting NEW YORK GIANTS stockings made as soon as the fabric gets here.

So Jim and I have talked a bit about the tree situation...I want a new one, I don't want to spend a lot of dinero - but it has to be unique. Well as tradition goes at my grandfathers house...the cast net.
So I was in search for unique trees...came up with a few on the Internet. And I just still cannot see myself spending the money. I came across this site not, martha and this will be the winner. So I am setting myself to by the list of items I need and I will post the picture this week because it will take me some time.

But of course I will put my spin on it.